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Playing basketball

Reading Book

I like reading books but the most books I like to read its novels , stories ,  society , history . I think read books help me to think and learn more things about the world . Inaddition it develop my skills . I read books when I have free time but the best time I like to read when I travel . know I have small library in the house and all my sister use my library if they need any books they want to their projects or to just read it , This help me and my family to learn and develop our skills.

Writing stories is something I like to do when I have free time . Also , I like to write my feelings . I write stories because I think it help me to express my feelings and what I think . I hope I can write long stories I just write small stories . In future I hope to write books that have my all stories in it .

Writing stories


Hobbies & Talents:


I like playing basketball in since I am  in secondary school . This sport I play it with my friend in the school . Know I play it with my family in the home . This sport I like it beacuse it easy and everyone can play it . Inaddition this sports is good to our health and body. I hope everyone try to play this sport with their family and friends because it make them to be close to each other , and make their relationship be strong . 

The cooking is something I like it because my mother . I learn to cook some dishes from my mother . The most dishes I like to cook its dessert I thik is easy dish to cook by anyone . I like to cook dessert dishes to my family in the holidays and ramadan because all family is their and they like to eat dessert in these time . I will try to learn new dishes to cook it to my family and friends .

Maitha ALSahmisi


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